Authorisations granted for uses of chromium trioxide and trichloroethylene

The European Commission has granted authorisations for the uses of chromium trioxide and trichloroethylene (review periods expire on the dates given in brackets):

  • <link http: legal-content en txt pdf _blank>Chromium trioxide – granted to Hoogovens Court Roll Surface Technologies V.O.F., WAVEC GmbH, Trattamento Cilindri Laminazione S.r.l., Walzen-Service-Center GmbH, NORD CHROME SAS, RHENAROLL SA, Texturing Technology Limited and NC POLAND Sp.z. o.o. (21 September 2029);
  • <link http: legal-content en txt pdf _blank>Trichloroethylene – granted to Microporous GmbH (21 April 2023).