ECHA announces draft plan for substance evaluation 2018-2020

ECHA has prepared a proposal to update the <link https: regulations reach evaluation substance-evaluation community-rolling-action-plan _blank>Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) for 2018-2020. The <link https: documents corap_list_2018-2020_en.pdf _blank>draft plan contains 107 substances, which have been proposed for the evaluation by the Member States under the substance evaluation process of REACH. It contains 16 newly selected substances and 91 substances from the update adopted and published on 21 March 2017.

As a reminder, substance evaluation is the process under REACH that allows for clarification of suspected risks to human health and environment. Following the evaluation, further regulatory action may be taken (authorization, restriction, others) or further information may be requested from the registrants or from the downstream users of the substances when additional data is considered necessary to clarify the suspected risk. An overview of all substances under substances evaluation can be found <link http: information-on-chemicals evaluation community-rolling-action-plan corap-table _blank>here.

Further information can be found in <link https: member-states-to-evaluate-107-substances-in-2018-2020 _blank>ECHA’s news alert.