Note on the procedure to declare hazardous mixtures in Luxembourg
At the start of 2021, a note on the procedure to declare hazardous mixtures placed on the Luxembourgish market has been published by the Brussels Poison Centre.
In this note, the Belgian Poison Centre indicates that the Belgium chose to use two different systems in parallel:
- The already existing national system in Belgium using a XLS tool (EDF file on the Poison Centre website);
- The e-Delivery system from the ECHA PCN Portal using the IUCLID tool.
In the future, companies will be able to choose between one of those two systems to notify their mixtures to the Poison Centre. It is not necessary to notify via the two systems for the mixtures placed on the Luxembourgish market.
However, for several technical issues, the Belgian Poison Centre is currently not able to read information coming from the ECHA PCN Portal. At the moment, the poison centre therefore asks companies to notify their mixtures directly to the Belgian poison centre and to prefer the XLS form of the centre.
The Poison Centre will release an announcement on its website once he will be able to proceed with the notifications coming through the ECHA PCN Portal. The information will also be communicated by the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg once it will be available. The exact date for this release is not known yet.
Obviously, notifications that will already be listed in the Belgian poison centre’s database will not have to be re-notified via the PCN Portal and will remain valid.
Reminder: For Luxembourg, the Belgian Poison Centre is the appointed body according to Art. 45 CLP. Hence, companies have to declare information on hazardous mixtures they place on the Luxembourgish market directly to the Belgian Poison Centre. The Centre also offers companies the possibility to declare non-hazardous mixtures, as well.