Webinar on hazardous mixtures declaration

The REACH&CLP Luxembourg Helpdesk organises a webinar on the declaration of hazardous mixtures placed on the Luxembourgish market. This webinar will take place on 20 February 2024 from 14:00 to 16:00.

In the framework of the CLP Regulation, companies are required to declare the hazardous mixtures they place on the European market, in accordance with Article 45. Since 1st January 2024, Annex VIII of the CLP Regulation requires that all new notifications of mixtures intended solely for industrial use (in addition to use by consumers and professionals) must comply with the harmonised format detailed in this same annex.

The REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg organises an online information session to inform companies about the obligations to declare hazardous mixtures according to Annex VIII CLP and to also provide a reminder on the regulatory requirements. It will also be an opportunity for companies to learn more about the problems the Belgian Poison Centre currently have with the data they receive from the declaration done by the industry.

The link to register is now available on the dedicated webpage on the Helpdesk website.