The revised Waste Framework Directive (EU) 2018/851 (WFD) entered into force 4th July 2018 and has the objective to address the adverse impacts of the generation and management of waste on the environment and human health. Companies supplying articles containing SVHCs in a concentration above 0.1% weight by weight on the European market have to submit, since the 5th January 2021, information on these articles to ECHA (Art. 9(1)(i) WFD). The WFD came with a mission for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) to develop a database for information on Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products), SCIP (Art. 9(2) WFD).
What is the SCIP database?
The database for information on Substances of Concern In articles as such or in complex objects (Products), SCIP is a database developed by ECHA. The data collected to the database will ensure that the information on articles placed on the European market and containing any Candidate List substances (Substances of Very High Concern, SVHCs) above 0.1% (w/w) flows adequately throughout the lifecycle of the product, including the waste operators and consumers.
SCIP notification
The suppliers concerned by the SCIP database notification are:
- EU producers (as defined in Article 3(4) REACH) and importers (as defined in Article 3(11) REACH);
- Assemblers which in the EU is an actor who joins articles A and B with a mixture which contains a Candidate List substance when making complex object D;
- EU distributors of articles and other actors in the supply chain placing articles on the market.
To help these duty holders to prepare and submit the necessary information for the SCIP notification, ECHA has established a harmonised IUCLID format. For the SCIP notification, duty holders will need to submit the following information:
- identification of the article;
- the name, concentration range and location of the Candidate List substances present in the article;
- other information that allows its safe use – notably information to ensure the article is properly managed once it becomes waste.
The data can be prepared either online by ECHA Cloud services providing an IUCLID Cloud instance or offline by IUCLID 6. The data submission is completed in the ECHA Submission portal according to the harmonised format. For companies willing to create the SCIP notification dossiers directly in their own systems, ECHA provides a system-to-system service. For more information on the different tools available, please consult ECHA’s website.
The information in the SCIP database is made publicly available by ECHA, in particular to waste operators and consumers.
Implementation in Luxembourg
The currently applicable national law in Luxembourg is the transposition of the Directive 2008/98/EC: Loi modifiée du 21 mars 2012 relative à la gestion des déchets.
Within the territory of the Grand Duchy, the Administration de l‘Environnement (AEV) remains the competent authority of the implementation of the WFD and the compliance with the SCIP notifications.
Useful links
- Guide: Requirements for SCIP notifications
- ECHA website dedicated to SCIP
- ECHA’s SCIP leaflet
- REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg webinar: “SCIP Database – How to comply with the Waste Framework Directive on SVHC in your articles”