AskREACH welcomes all articles without SVHCs – let your customers know your value!
The European suppliers of articles containing substances of very high concern (SVHC) <0.1% (w/w) are, since 5th of January 2021, obliged to notify the European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) newly launched SCIP database about these substances in their products. The database will be of aid to waste operators dealing with the waste streams of articles containing these substances that have various hazardous properties for the health and the environment, such as being reprotoxic or endocrine disrupting. Another large stakeholder group highly interested in the existence of these substances in everyday products are consumers willing to avoid articles containing such substances.
While ECHA’s plan is to disseminate the article SVHC information to both target groups, waste operators and consumers, it is likely that many consumers are especially interested to purchase articles that do not contain these substances.
The AskREACH supplier platform, however, allows all article suppliers to submit their article SVHC information, also for articles not containing SVHCs, making it an excellent option for companies to promote articles that are SVHC-free and thus of a high interest for many consumers. The associated Scan4Chem app, developed by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology in the framework of the EU funded LIFE AskREACH project (No. LIFE16 GIE/DE/000738), allows a simple scan of an article barcode by the consumer, to get to know if an article is SVHC-fee.
In case information about your products is not yet available in the AskREACH database, consumers can use Scan4Chem to send you an information request by email. Be sure that your email system accepts emails originating from the domain to receive your customers questions directly in your mailbox! Contact your IT department to ensure you won’t accidentally miss a consumer question.
If you are a proud supplier of articles that are SVHC-free (articles that do not contain any of the substances listed in the Candidate List managed by ECHA), let your customers know about it first-hand while shopping your products at the point of sale! Upload the information on your articles to the AskREACH database today!
The AskREACH solutions will allow you to easily communicate with your SVHC-aware customers and let them know of the value of your products! If you have any questions concerning the AskREACH solutions, do not hesitate to contact We are happy to assist you in your journey with your SVHC-aware customers. For further information on the European Chemicals legislation (REACH), on the consumer’s “Right to Know” and the project LIFE AskREACH, please visit