Call for expression of interest – Stakeholder workshop on microplastic particles

ECHA invites you to attend a workshop organised by ECHA to discuss the outcome of the call of evidence on microplastic particles taking place on 30 and 31 May 2018.

The call for evidence on intentionally added microplastics is ongoing until 11 May. This call will gather information on all possible intentional uses of microplastic particles in products. The information received will be used to determine whether these uses pose a risk and to assess the socio-economic impacts of any potential restriction.

ECHA has also published question and answer (Q&As) recordings for this specific call for evidence that derive from an information session that was held on the 12th of March. You can find more information on microplastics on the ECHA website.

Interested parties are invited to submit their expressions of interest to join the workshop. This will be considered alongside the comments made by the party in the call for evidence.