Feedback from the annual REACH & CLP conference
On the 14 December 2017, the 11th edition of the "Conference & Networking Lunch: Implementation of the REACH&CLP regulations and future challenges" was held in the Chamber of Commerce. The event was organised by the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg with the support of the FEDIL, the Enterprise Europe Network, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure and the Ministry of the Economy within the framework of the European SME Week.
This new edition welcomed 50 participants who were able to discuss with the team of the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg, the speakers as well as other participants the topic of REACH & CLP during a networking lunch.
The first part of the conference was opened by Mr. René Winkin, Director of FEDIL, who came back to the issues related to chemicals and the importance of being able to control the risks associated with them. Lucien Hoffmann, Director of LIST‘s ERIN Department, emphasised in his welcome address the role of the European chemicals legislation as innovation driver. The conference began with an update of the current situation and the latest development of the REACH and CLP processes during 2017 and an outlook for the year 2018. This was followed by a presentation by the European Commission on the links between the REACH Regulation and the legislation on occupational health and safety. Finally, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) provided all participants with the latest advice to properly register their substances for the last deadline of 31 May 2018 for small tonnages. In the closing remark of the first part, Carole Dieschbourg, Minister of the Environment, reported from the United Nations Environment Assembly of the UNEP (UNEA).
The second part of the conference began with the presentation of the current status of nanomaterials under the REACH regulation. The remainder of the second part was dedicated to the substitution of hazardous chemicals, which is a topic of increasing importance. This presentation was based on ECHA's new substitution strategy, which recommends key actions to promote and facilitate the replacement of hazardous products in the future. To complete this presentation, Luxinnovation presented the existing financing possibilities in Luxembourg to support companies making the move to replace dangerous products.
More information on the annual conference is available <link https: en news helpdesk-reachclp-mise-en-oeuvre-et-challenges-des-reglements-reach-et-clp _blank>here. The presentations can be downloaded from the dedicated <link en support resource-center events event-detail conference-networking-lunch-reachclp-implementation-and-future-challenges-for-companies-1 _blank>event webpage.