Feedback from the REACH&CLP 2023 annual conference
On the 5th December 2023, nearly 30 participants took part of the “REACH&CLP 2023 annual conference”, organised by the REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg with the support of Ministry of Environment, Climate and Biodiversity, and the Ministry of Economy.
As we come back to the physical format after few years of virtual events, our conference began with an opening speech from Mr Lucien Hoffmann head of department at the Luxembourg Institute of Science and technology (LIST). In his speech he reflected on the challenges companies were facing in 2023.
The first presentation of the conference was dedicated to the different obligations that entered into force in 2023 and the ongoing actions concerning REACH, CLP and POPs.
Following this presentation, the Environmental administration (AEV) gave an overview of market surveillance projects of 2023 and a brief lookout to their main projects in 2024. The AEV then introduced the topic of the F-Gas Regulation and presented the actions taken in terms of monitoring and compliance checks.
In the second part of the conference, the Helpdesk welcomed the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), who reported on the proposal for a universal restriction on PFAS. Germany being one of the five countries proposing this restriction, the BAuA presented the content of the proposal as well as the upcoming tasks taking into account the nearly 6,000 comments received during the public consultation which was closed few weeks ago.
Lastly, the member of ECHA's Socio-Economic Analysis Committee (SEAC), nominated on behalf of Luxembourg, presented the role played by the SEAC in the REACH regulatory process, and the actions in which it is involved.
This conference in its new edition was an opportunity for the participants to ask questions to the experts present. After four years of virtual meetings, the welcome coffee and the lunch/coffee break, also enabled participants to exchange views on REACH&CLP with the Helpdesk team, the speakers as well as with the other guests.
The presentations are available on the Event’s webpage.