Feedback on the Helpdesk Online session “SCIP Database – How to comply with the Waste Framework Directive on SVHC in your articles”
On the 23rd of September 2020, nearly 50 participants took part of the online session “SCIP Database – How to comply with the Waste Framework Directive on SVHC in your articles”, organised in collaboration with the Betriber&Emwelt platform and the support of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST, the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development and the Ministry of Economy.
During this conference, The REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg did an introductory session on the legal background of the implementation of the SCIP database, European and national initiatives around chemicals and waste and did a reminder on the obligations related to substances in artciles.
This first introductory presentation was followed by a presentation from an expert from ECHA on the latest development of the SCIP database and provided tips on how to get prepared for the new obligation of notification of SVHC in the SCIP database that will start on the 5th January 2021.
Linked to the topic on SVHC in articles, the German Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt) presented the European LIFE AskREACH project which is running since 2017 and explained the different synergies existing between the two databases and the App developed under the project.
The last part of the online session was dedicated to feedbacks from professionals. SuperDrecksKëscht gave an idea on the potential impacts the new obligations might have on their activities as a waste operators. ThenArcadis Belgium presented an overview on how an industry should get organised to comply with this future obligation.
The presentations and the video are available on the Event’s webpage.