Feedback on the Information session on the impact of the new Omnibus law on classified installations and launch of the Commodo/CLP Toolkit

On 14 June 2017, 90 participants, composed of safety and environmental experts from industry, craft industry and public organisations that deal with the legislation on classified installations (“Commodo”) met at the “Bâtiment administratif” in Belval to learn more about the impact of the new law on administrative simplifications (known as “Omnibus” law). The event was organised in the framework of the “Betriber & Emwelt” event series aiming at fostering regular interaction and open dialogue on environmental topics between Luxembourgish stakeholders, in particular Luxembourgish companies.

In the beginning, the Environmental Administration went back on the stakes and duties bounded with the “commodo” law and the major changes related to the “Omnibus” law of 3 March 2017. The companies had the opportunity to exchange and ask question (an overview of the overall modification of the modified law of 10 June 1999 relative to the classified installations can be found <link http: etablissements_classes index.html _blank>online).

In the second, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) presented its new Commodo/CLP Toolkit for the companies storing or using chemical products (that fall under the European CLP Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals). A guide and an Excel tool allow companies to assess the impacts of these new national and European requirements regarding the activities defined by the sections 010128 and 010129 of the Commodo nomenclature. The purpose is to define if these changes lead to a change of the “commdo” class and, subsequently, if an update of the authorization is needed. The toolkit is made available free of charge on the <link fr centre-de-ressources boite-a-outils commodoclp-toolkit _blank>website of the REACH&CLP Luxembourg Helpdesk.

The cleaning products company LCI FLOWEY completed the information session with a report from its application of the tool developed by LIST and shared its experience regarding its compliance and the impact of the legal changes on its activities.