New opinions from ECHA’s Committees
New opinions from ECHA’s Committees are now available on ECHA’s website.
The Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) adopted its opinion on granules and mulches used as infill material in synthetic turf pitches or in loose forms on playgrounds.
The Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) has adopted 15 opinions on harmonised classification and labelling and also agreed on five draft opinions on authorisation applications.
RAC and SEAC supported the restriction proposal by Italy to restrict the uses of the N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) on its own or in mixtures in a concentration equal or greater than 0.3 %. A public consultation on the agreed SEAC opinion will begin soon and the committee is expected to adopt an opinion at its December meeting.
Further information can be found in ECHA’s news release.