New substance evaluation conclusions published
New substance evaluation conclusion documents are now available on ECHA’s website for:
- <link https: information-on-chemicals evaluation community-rolling-action-plan corap-table dislist details _blank>methyl methacrylate, added to the CoRAP list in 2014 and evaluated by France;
- <link https: information-on-chemicals evaluation community-rolling-action-plan corap-table dislist details _blank>naphthalene, added to the CoRAP list in 2016 and evaluated by United Kingdom;
- <link https: information-on-chemicals evaluation community-rolling-action-plan corap-table dislist details _blank>3,3'-dimethylbiphenyl-4,4'-diyl diisocyanate, added to the CoRAP list in 2013 and evaluated by France; and
- <link https: information-on-chemicals evaluation community-rolling-action-plan corap-table dislist details _blank>4,4’-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate, added to the CoRAP list in 2013 and evaluated by Estonia.