Save the date! Meet LIST virtually during the information day "The European Union at the service of SMEs"
On the 21st of October, as part of its Betriber&Emwelt initiative and the activities of the REACH&CLP Helpdesk, you can come and meet the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), which will be virtually present at the event "The European Union at the service of SMEs".
This event is organised by the consortium of the Enterprise Europe Network of the Chamber of Commerce, the Chamber of Trades and Luxinnovation, in close cooperation with the European Commission and the Representation of the European Commission in Luxembourg.
In the continuity of the "SME Open Day" event organised in November 2019, this digital event will offer 3D information stands in the presence of experts, presentations, as well as entrepreneurial and best practice pitchs, allowing SMEs, micro-enterprises and innovative start-ups to find all the practical information on the different support measures available.
The programme can be consulted here.