Study – Certain chemicals present in artificial turf infill need further risk assessment
ECHA has just published a new study on plastic and rubber granules used as infill in artificial sports pitches.
This study identifies certain chemicals potentially present in the infill that could pose risks to people or the environment. ECHA proposes that any further work to examine whether these substances in rubber infill pose a risk to human health or the environment that is not adequately controlled should be done by preparing a REACH restriction proposal. ECHA notes that recently published studies may provide new information on the risks of substances, which would need to be taken into account in any further work.
The study was requested from ECHA by the European Commission in 2017 following the restriction proposal by the Dutch authorities on eight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in rubber granules and mulches. It also links to the restriction proposal for intentionally-added microplastics, which is currently in the Commission for decision making.