Have you already carried out an inventory of the chemicals present in your company?

The REACH&CLP Helpdesk Luxembourg offers you a new version of its chemical inventory tool, now called "EnReach - Enabling you to comply with REACH".

This online tool replaces the former REACH Excel Tool (version 3.2), originally inspired by the REACH tool developed in 2008 by the Federation of Enterprises in Belgium (FEB) and the “FPS Economy, SMEs, self-employed and Energy Belgium”.

This tool is designed to help each company gather the appropriate information on its chemical products, in order to draw up an inventory of those present in the company. The tool is aimed primarily at SMEs, enabling them to identify critical substances and potential regulatory obligations under the REACH and CLP regulations. In this way, the company can make an initial assessment of the efforts required and the impact of these two regulations on its activities.

The EnReach tool is a web-based tool available free of charge in three languages: French, German and English.

It consists of three parts:

  • Inventory: this enables the company to list all the chemicals (substances, mixtures, articles) present in the company, and the status associated with each of them (e.g. manufacturer, importer, downstream user, etc.).
  • Analysis of results: this summarises the regulatory requirements relating to REACH and CLP for each of the products present in the company, and displays the various actions required to achieve compliance. This section also provides information on the substances to be registered under REACH.
  • Substance library: this enables the company to list all the substances that can be identified in several products (on their own, in mixtures or in articles) present in the company. It can also be used to identify whether or not a substance is covered by the authorisation and restriction procedures.
  • Provide information on the company's status with regard to REACH and CLP regulations for each chemical product present in the company.
  • Check obligations in relation to REACH registration, authorisation and restriction procedures, and CLP obligations such as notification to the C&L inventory and declaration of hazardous mixtures to the poison center.
  • Manage the follow-up of Safety Data Sheets (SDS), particularly in terms of updates.
  • Identify substances with properties of very high concern and thus detect potential for improvement in the area of human health and the environment.
  • Provide support in verifying the regulatory status of chemicals affected by existing or forthcoming restrictions on use.
  • Identify potential for improvement in supply chain management.
  • The tool can also be used as a communication tool with the enforcement authorities and customers.

On this webtool, the REACH&CLP Helpdesk managed by the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) offers a tool to allow companies to collect all relevant information and create an inventory of all products (substances, mixtures, articles) present in their enterprise. It will help companies to identify critical substances, estimate the required effort and the influence REACH and CLP will have on their activities. The Helpdesk does not store online or retain data on inventories carried out by companies using this tool. It is the company's responsibility to back up its inventory and substance library locally by exporting it before closing the tool.

The Helpdesk provides an advisory service on REACH, CLP and POPs. This advisory service, however, does not represent any legal interpretation of the existing legislation. The REACH, CLP and POP regulations and related regulations and directives are the only legally binding sources. The information provided is not legally binding and is provided “AS IS“, without any warranty or representation of any kind, given or to be implied, as to its sufficiency and accuracy. The objective of the webtool is to provide the first clues about possible obligations of companies and it remains the company's responsability to finally define their obligations.

Carry out your chemical inventory